copyright if Godsland 2015

Bristol Barrow Road engine shed was my most-visited, being within walking distance, or a short bus ride, from my grandparents. This was the first shed I ever did solo. Heading past the British Road Services depot, then along the cinder path round the gasometers, I was terrified. But no one ever called me out in all my expeditions there.

Barrow Road was the last Bristol steam shed, shown to good effect here. Looking back over these photos, I really like the totally old-industrial appearance of the place - brick, soot, iron and ash

My Barrow Road high point came with my grandfather mentioning to his next-door neighbour, Mr Smart, that I was interested in engines. Mr Smart was a fireman at Barrow Road and very kindly offered to give me a tour. He took me everywhere, including the top of the water tower and into the signal box. In the locomens' canteen he gave me a mug of the sweetest tea I've ever tasted - good-natured comments about "siding with the enemy" were directed at him

Bristol Barrow Road engine shed was my most-visited, being within walking distance, or a short bus ride, from my grandparents. This was the first shed I ever did solo. Heading past the British Road Services depot, then along the cinder path round the gasometers, I was terrified. But no one ever called me out in all my expeditions there.
Bristol Barrow Road 1964-5
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