copyright IF Godsland 2015

Southall shed was the nearest shed to home in Northwood Hills - a couple of bus rides away, or was it Metropolitan line to Uxbridge and a single bus ride? Ian and Phil Brading introduced me to the place in, I think, the Easter or Whitsun holidays 1965. Our first visit was very sunny, anyway.

Some examples of what we found out on the peripheries - a King, a Grange and one of those 9400 tanks that used to pull the coaches into Paddington

Second trip on that summer holiday was to Weymouth (top left). Yeovil Town (right) and back to Wareham (bottom left) and Swanage. On the way back from Yeovil, I didn't have the wit to get out at Dorchester West and walk over to Dorchester South, so missed my connection at Weymouth. Back to Swanage horribly late, met father storming along the promenade in the opposite direction

Southall shed was the nearest shed to home in Northwood Hills - a couple of bus rides away, or was it Metropolitan line to Uxbridge and a single bus ride? Ian and Phil Brading introduced me to the place in, I think, the Easter or Whitsun holidays 1965. Our first visit was very sunny, anyway.
Southall & Southern 1965
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